Welcome to Talitha Cumi: Little Girl, I Say to You, Arise! by W M Brazil

This is my story. The Faith Journey of an African American Woman.
This is my song. Praising my Savior, all the day long.

Talitha Cumi

The Faith Journey of an
African American Woman.

In “Talitha Cumi,” W. M. Brazil shares an inspiring and deeply personal account of her faith journey as an African American woman. Born less than eighty years after the Civil War and entering the workforce a year after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Brazil’s life is a testament to resilience, faith, and divine intervention.

Growing up in the challenging environment of George Wallace and Bull Connor’s Alabama, life was difficult for Brazil and her family. Despite the hardships, she was born into a family that not only knew struggle but also knew the God who brings us through it. However, being part of a God-fearing family was not enough to establish her own relationship with the living God.

It took the transformative power of Jesus Christ, the Lord of Life, walking into her life, taking her by the hand, and gently saying, “Talitha Cumi,” which means, “Little Girl, I say unto you, Arise!” This divine encounter brought wholeness and a profound spiritual awakening, akin to the biblical story of the woman with the issue of blood who was healed by touching the hem of Jesus’ garment.

“Talitha Cumi” is not just a memoir; it is a song of praise and a declaration of faith. It is a story of finding the pearl of great value and experiencing the miraculous convergence of heaven and earth in one’s life. Brazil’s narrative is a powerful reminder that no matter the struggles we face, there is a God who can lead us to triumph and transformation.

The Scriptures tell us, “The first man, Adam, became a living person.”
But the last Adam—that is, Christ—is a life-giving Spirit.
What comes first is the natural body, then the spiritual body comes later.

Join W. M. Brazil on this extraordinary journey of faith, resilience, and the touch of God’s grace. This book will inspire you to see the miracles in your own life and to praise your Savior all the day long.