W.M. Brazil: The Faith Journey of an African American Woman.

I am W. M. Brazil, and “Talitha Cumi: Little Girl, I Say to You, Arise!” is the story of how God transformed my life. This book encapsulates my journey and shares the most relevant aspects of my faith and personal growth. The details provided here are to help you see me beyond the pages of my book.

The journey of writing this book began in 2008 under various titles but always with the same focus—my life. In 2013, I engaged a self-publishing company, but the experience was not as author-friendly as I had hoped, leading me to cancel the contract. I initially titled the book “The Sixth Day of Creation.” In 2014, I submitted a sample to another publishing company under the title “God is Making Me in His Image,” only to receive feedback stating, “We only publish Christian books.” Reflecting back, I realize the book was not yet complete or ready for publication. In the fullness of time, God guided me to Mindstir.

The inspiration for this book came through meditation on the purpose of our existence on earth. I believed that if God has a plan for us, it must be found in the Bible. Through scriptural study, I realized that our life on earth is a process by which God shapes us in His image—essentially an enactment of Genesis 1:26. My life story is a journey from being born self-centered, like Adam, to striving to be God-centered, like Jesus.

This book is a testament to the miraculous transformation that faith can bring, and it is my hope that my story will inspire and uplift you on your own journey.

“God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in
dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds.”